Matagorda County Soil and Water Conservation District #316
Creating a Better Understanding of the Need for Soil and Water Conservation
Matagorda County Soil and Water Conservation District #316
Creating a Better Understanding of the Need for Soil and Water Conservation
The Matagorda County Soil & Water Conservation District is a legal subdivision of the State of Texas government and was the 16th SWCD formed in Area 3.
The district is governed by five local landowners who make up the Board of Directors. This board directs the activities of the district, coordinates the conservation efforts of various local, state and federal agencies and other organizations, and has the authority to enter into working agreements with these governmental agencies and private concerns to carry out its purpose.
One such working agreement is with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to provide technical assistance in planning, application and maintenance of conservation practices and programs. The local NRCS office is located in Bay City, Texas.
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Join us for our Summer CEU Workshop event!
Date: Friday, June 7th, 2024
Time: 9AM-3PM
Location: Bay City Service Center USO Building
2105 Avenue M
Bay City, TX 77414
Pre-Registration $30
Registration at the door $35
Registration includes a ribeye steak lunch from HeartBrand Beef!
To Pre-register:
Come in to the SWCD office
1006 Ave F Suite A1, Bay City, TX 77414
Or call us at 979-245-1138 Ext. 3
Are you a local teacher in Matagorda County?
Would you or a teacher you know like to
check out our hydroponic Tower Garden for use
in your own classroom?
Let us know that you're interested! It's free to check out and use for approximately one semester.
Teach your state standards with a hands-on, real world approach!
Contact us at:
The Matagorda County SWCD would like to congratulate Mr. Dean Hansen as the 2024 Area 3 Runner-up Conservation Farmer! This competitive award recognizes Mr. Hansen's hard work and dedication to natural resource conservation, utilization of best farming practices, cooperation with the local SWCD, and community involvement. Mr. Hansen was awarded Conservation Farmer at the district level in Matagorda County at our banquet in January. His entry went on to the Area 3 competition from there.
Pictured left-to-right at the annual Area 3 Conservation Awards Banquet on May 1st: José Dodier, Jr., TSSWCB Board Member; Dean Hansen; and Leroy Wolff, ATSWCD Area 3 Board Member.
Each year SWCDs in cooperation with the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board (TSSWCB) and the Association of Texas Soil and Water Conservation Districts (ATSWCD) recognize and celebrate individuals that dedicate themselves to the conservation and management of our natural resources. Thank you Dean Hansen for your dedication to conservation!
The Matagorda County SWCD would like to congratulate Mrs. RaeAnn Mitchell as the 2024 Area 3 Runner-up Conservation Teacher! Mrs. Mitchell utilized real world conservation practices in her Blessing Elementary classroom with the use of the Tower Garden. Her students studied seeds, plant needs, and were able to observe and measure the growth of their plants.
Mrs. Mitchell was awarded Conservation Teacher at the district level in Matagorda County at our banquet in January, and her entry went on to the Area 3 competition from there.
Pictured left-to-right at the annual Area 3 Conservation Awards Banquet on May 1st: José Dodier, Jr., TSSWCB Board Member; Mrs. Rae Ann Mitchell; and Leroy Wolff, ATSWCD Area 3 Board Member.
Each year SWCDs in cooperation with the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board (TSSWCB) and the Association of Texas Soil and Water Conservation Districts (ATSWCD) recognize and celebrate individuals that dedicate themselves to the conservation and management of our natural resources. Thank you Rae Ann Mitchell for your dedication to teaching our youth about the importance of soil and water conservation!
We have one more exciting post to share from the Area 3 Conservation Awards Banquet.
Congratulations to our very own Matagorda County SWCD as the Area 3 Outstanding Soil and Water Conservation District!
Pictured left-to-right at the Area 3 Conservation Awards Banquet on May 1st is Matagorda County SWCD Secretary Mike Grisham; Vice Chairman Charles Baker; José Dodier, Jr., TSSWCB Board Member; Director Billy Mann; Chairman Raymond Jones, Jr.; and Leroy Wolff, ATSWCD Area 3 Board Member. Not pictured: Director Kay Nordt.
The goals of the Matagorda County SWCD are to encourage voluntary conservation implementation, promote soil and water conservation education, and community service.
The Matagorda County SWCD, in conjunction with the USDA-NRCS, works with all types of producers, including rice farmers, row crop farmers, ranchers, and coastal wildlife operations. The directors advocate for producers to get a Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP). Recently, the board was able to receive 319 grant funding to hire a part-time technician to conduct status reviews on existing WQMPs that are within the Tres Palacios Creek, Caney Creek, and Carancahua Bay watersheds, and to make any necessary updates or changes to these plans. The board is also hard at work trying to get more producers to sign up for WQMPs within the district.
With great help, the Matagorda County SWCD has hosted a Soil Health Field Day, Local Workgroup Meeting, and an annual Summer Conservation CEU Workshop. They have also spoken at events such as Ag in the Classroom and Stewardship Week-speaking at Commissioners Court.
The Matagorda County SWCD has a feral hog trap from Pig Brig that can be rented out by local producers, and they also have a hydroponic Tower Garden for use in local classrooms.
The annual Conservation Awards Banquet hosted by the Matagorda County SWCD was held in January to recognize and celebrate local students and conservationists for their outstanding achievements. As part of their annual contest, they have poster and essay contests for the students, as well as a digital poster contest for students of all ages. Winners in these three contests are given a certificate and cash prizes. In the senior division essay contest, the first place winner is awarded a $600 scholarship, and the second place winner is awarded a $300 scholarship, upon graduation should they attend a college or trade school. The board also recognized a Friend of Conservation, a Conservation Farmer, a Conservation Rancher, and a Conservation Teacher, who all receive awards as well.
The directors from the Matagorda County SWCD show their commitment to serving their county and advocating for conservation. They are active at many SWCD-related events, trainings, and workshops throughout the year. The board members plan to continue their goals and efforts to support conservation in Matagorda County and in Texas!
Congratulations on being awarded Outstanding Conservation District!
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